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What Is Dynamic Chemistry?

Dynamic Chemistry to us is something that just happened when we started to put our minds together and worked on some designer combinations of chemicals that we were thoroughly researching at the time. Dynamically Integrated Chemistry ⚗ Inc. Is the name of the company that supports the laboratory 🔬 located in Central Singapore 🇸🇬 where we get at least half of the product/material choices we have on our menu. Imperial Lab Group (I.L.G.) is another one. We have 2 other laboratories/warehouses that we source from.
We have been working on the New Solution Requests we have received from our customers. If you have any novel ideas for dynamic mixtures of research chems you have already done some research on submitting them to Dynamically Integrated Chemistry is as easy as clicking on their Button at the bottom 👇 of our page here. Pandazolam is just one example of a product that has done well!
Tizzzurp 1mg/mL newest Dynamixed Solution. $94.95 100ml Bottle

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Description of Mixtures

Koala-Kola 4mg Solution came from the idea of creating a lam-lam combo that was not hypothesized to be a strong replacement for Alprazolam. But, that's what the studies were showing. And, since we already had the panda licor under our belt we thought 🤔 we'd go along with that theme of tropical bears and someone blurted out "Koalaprazolam..?"--heh. LIMA 50mg/mL Concentrated Solution is a product idea that came from a customer submission. The name is supposed to be a modern translation for a the two words: “High” & “Low” or otherwise “HiLo” is now “LIMA” . The reason for this name is in the ingredients of the two RC's that are mixed with the solution of choice. The two options for a solution are concentrated and fluid. Concentrated Solution is just a more densely packed version of the fluid solution but without the ethanol ingredient. (The ethyl alcohols in the fluid solution is normally 200 proof 95% ethanol, and is an inactive/inert ingredient). This just leaves the propylene glycol basis for a solution which makes it more thick and syrup like. Therefore it is a Concentrated Solution. The more fluid like mixture is a component of the 2 inactive ingredients used to assure 100% dissolving of the ACTIVE INGREDIENTS inside the mixture. 50% propylene glycol & 50% ethyl alcohols. LIMA is a mixture of RC opioid analog replacement for etonitazene and the 2 most popular structural analogs of methamphetamine (2-FMA & 4-FMA) something we call by itself 6-FMA. The active ingredients are present in each solution size as' 40mg/ml of 6-FMA (the HIGH OR “MA” OF “LIMA”) & 10mg/ml of the opiolog ingredient which is Etediode mHCl. (the “LOW” OR “LI” OF “LIMA”). Pandazolam 5mg/mL came from the idea of creating a new designer benzo that would act and behave like Clonazepam does but potentially better. The described euphoric like feeling of calmness and inner tranquility that everything is going to be "okay 👍" well we can get that from the Bromazolam attribute at least according to the data from the research done thus far. But, what about the sedative effect and muscular relaxant properties that were present in the studies done with Clonazepam before the FDA approved it? Well it took a little digging but eventually we settled on the elected candidate of Bromonordiazepam. But, if you were present around the beginning of the studies dynamic chemistry did then you would see that they overshot the dosing suggestions not realizing that the 2 benzo analogs are actually potentiate one another and therefore have a classic over sedating effect. The original Panda 🐼 Solution product was going to be a 10mg/mL solution but after getting some results from the previous data from the study they conducted it was dropped down to 5mg instead of 10mg. So, what would have been 4mg Bromazolam became 2mg Bromazolam mhcl instead and what was 6mg of the Pam product (analog replacement for diazepam) known as Bromonordiazepam is now 3mg instead. 2+3=5 😜